Swedish-Deep Tissue: Try a light to deep oil massage that soothes muscles that are sore from work and overexertion, stimulates the circulation of blood and lymph while releasing mental and physical stress. Connective Tissue Therapy: This is a slow, focused and generally deep technique working on the connective tissue system to release adhesions enhancing the range of motion at joints. It can also provide deep relaxation and structural balance. NeuroMuscular Therapy (NMT): A therapeutic discipline based on recognized physiological principles for the relief and management of soft-tissue pain. Utilizing a form of specifically applied direct pressure (trigger points), NMT allows for the reversal of the stress-tension-pain cycle. Body Tuning: This sophisticated form of bodywork integrates several classical massage styles + corrective exercise and movement. Sessions often help to loosen-up joints, providing lasting relief of most musculoskeletal pain enhancing recovery from stress, overuse & injury. ►Other forms of bodywork include: Sports Massage, Polarity Therapy (Energy Work), Pregnancy Massage & Shiatsu.